When Lagerfeld travels for 16 hours with his Chanel Cruise collection, you know something special is about to happen. Karl has proven many times that nothing would stop him. Neither the distance nor the time, and certainly not political issues.
Havana, 35 degrees and 170 colourful vintage Cadillacs and Chevrolets passes through the city center. Chanel is the first major fashion house to organize the runway show here, which has a symbolic meaning for warming relations between communist Cuba and the West. Quite recently, in March, the island was visited by Barack Obama, in Havana The Rolling Stones gave a public concert – now Chanel makes a step. Lagerfeld admitted that latest cruise collection was inspired by the
“cultural richness and opening up of Cuba.”
The show took place last week, in the central venue of Havana, El Paseo Del Prado. It was not difficult to see Cuban influences on the catwalk – Flamenco skirts, cigar box clutches, straw fedoras and ruffles everywhere. There were plenty of high waists and cropped trousers, Che Guevara-style berets and prints with colourful Cadillacs.
Karl, you did great again, but Cuba created a magical spirit, that will not be forgotten for long.
Photos Jake Rosenberg/ www.thecoveteur.com